IFYS Foster Care in North Queensland
At IFYS Foster Care we need both Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Carers. We need Carers that can ensure every child in the Cairns region is given the best chance in life.
We need Carers that can keep children connected to their culture, allowing them to develop a strong cultural identity.
We need Carers who will work with us to ensure our children are safe and that we give them a chance to become proud adults. So if you are this person, why not reach out and contact us today.

Meet Superhero Shane
Shayne is a frontline volunteer with the Victorian State Emergency Service and in our eyes resoundingly qualifies as a Superhero. Shayne came into care at only six months of age and was in the child protection system for 17 years.
There is no doubt that Shayne's foster carers helped to turn around his circumstances and contributed to building the foundations for the positive life he experiences today. At IFYS we understand that choosing to become a foster carer may seem quite daunting, but, like Shayne's carers, by saying yes you will be able to assist us to raise another one of our community's Superhoeroes.